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City of Morro Bay To Implement a Green Building Incentive Program


Contact: Christine Rogers, LEED®AP
Housing Programs Coordinator, City of Morro Bay
P: (805) 772-6262

City of Morro Bay To Implement a Green Building Incentive Program

The Morro Bay City Council voted last week to implement a Green Building Incentive Program that will reimburse portions of building plan check and inspection fee’s for LEED and GreenPoint Rated certified projects within the City limits. The program will reward community members and businesses that make a commitment to implementing sustainable designs, and will encourage green building across a broad range of project types. 

"The City of Morro Bay staff and advisory members have taken active roles with local chapters of the U.S. Green Building Council and Build it Green. As a SLO Green Build Municipal Partner, we strive to promote and provide education regarding the benefits of green building,” explained Christine Rogers, Housing Programs Coordinator at the City of Morro Bay.  “We believe that providing fee reimbursements is one way that the City can incentivize sustainable building practices.”

The current program concept proposes reimbursement of building plan check and inspection fees, including:  $3,000 for LEED Certified new homes; $2,000 for GreenPoint Rated Certified new homes or remodels; and 40% reduction for GreenPoint Rated or LEED certified multi-family, commercial, or industrial projects (new or major renovation). Staff will return to the City Council with a formal resolution in the near future.

Projects that satisfy LEED and GreenPoint Rated certification requirements will be reimbursed a portion of building and plan check fees when the project is built, completes final inspection, and provides proper certification documents. Anyone with questions regarding the LEED and GreenPoint Rated program can contact the City.

For more information and local resources:

City of Morro Bay:  (

LEED:  (
California Central Coast Chapter (C4): (

GreenPoint Rating:  (
SLO Green Build: (
SLO Green Build also offers complimentary Peer Review services to assist applicants in sustainable design decisions.


The City of Morro Bay: The City is dedicated to the preservation and enhancement of the quality of life. The City is committed to this purpose and provides a level of municipal service and safety consistent with and responsive to the needs of the public.


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