Welcome to thelifesimple.com. In this first post, we want to explain why we are here and what we intend to do with the site as well as the movement to live a simple life.
First of all, we are not experts, nor are we trying to sell a service or product. Thelifesimple team is just that, a team of people dedicated to helping others to understand and step out of lives that are too rushed and too complex.
A quote from a Washington Post survey sums the issue up perfectly for most Americans:
“James Lindow, A Green Bay, Wisconsin, Warehouse Operations Manager says: ‘Your kids are going to the day care, or wherever they are taken care of by somebody else. By the time you get done with your job, you've got to rush home and make supper, do whatever, and then you have to run your kids somewhere else. You don't get enough time to spend with your wife anymore, either, because you are both working. You're lucky if you get to see your wife one or two hours a day. What kind of quality time is that?’”
How have we gotten here? Why are we harming ourselves and the earth in the process? What does it take to simplify life and who is doing it well? What people, companies and organizations are there to assist us in this journey? How can we help each other? Is there really thelifesimple?
We need your help to accomplish our goal of recalibrating our society to the true north of simplicity. Join us as we try to answer all these questions together. Join us in our quest to change lives one at a time. Join us as we vote with our time, dollars and our collective strength to change our world one day at a time.
Join us as we try to live thelifesimple.
pops – thelifesimple team
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've imagined. As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler. Thoreau