FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Tim Blair Twitter For Food World Hunger Campaign Continues On Twitter
Founder, Twitter For Food
P: (805) 748-1333
The first day of every month this year will mark a push in the use of social media for humanitarian purposes. Tim Blair, founder of Twitter For Food, has selected the first day of each month as the Twitter For Food day. Tim is tweeting a request that readers skip a meal on the 1st and donate the savings to any hunger relief organization. He is also asking those who read the tweet to retweet it. The goal for this campaign is to raise $5 million this year from Twitter users for the relief of local and global hunger.
“I believe one person can make a difference, so a million Twitter users could significantly impact the desperate problem of people starving around the world today,” says Tim Blair, a Twitter user, freelance writer and founder of Twitter For Food. “I recently read ‘The Hole in Our Gospel’ by Richard Stearns, the President of World Vision USA, and was so moved by the tragic stories and statistics of world hunger, I felt I had to do something immediately.”
Tim, an avid Twitter user and enthusiast, has made friends across the world through this popular social media platform, and realized that it is the perfect medium through which to launch this type of campaign. His hope is to reach 5 million of the 20 million Twitter users and that at least one million will answer the call to donate even a small amount on the 1st, to any World Hunger organization. If the campaign is successful, Tim will continue the campaign next year and will grow the Twitter For Food drive to fund local and global hunger relief.
Please visit the Twitter For Food website ( for information on, updates to, and results of the campaign, as well as links to many relief organization websites where people can donate. Tim will also give regular campaign updates and notices via his Twitter account, @HungerNoMore.
Twitter For Food is a campaign started and funded by Tim Blair, who is the founder of Enklings Studio, a business consultancy and freelance writing firm located in San Luis Obispo, CA. Enklings Studio works with start-ups and small businesses in industries such as: Ecommerce, Green Building, Organic Farming, Sales and Marketing, Non-Profits, and Graphic Design.